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I was delighted to be asked to work with the outdoor learning teachers and the Head to design this garden for outdoor learning.

Working with this exciting and dynamic school has been an absolute joy.


I had the pleasure of working alongside the teachers with all the pupils from Year 6 to Reception. Each child planted a sapling to establish the boundaries of the garden. We learnt latin names for plants, talked about the science of native plants. We explored that plants have stories.


Made possible by the enthusiasm of the Parents Association and built by the schools gardeners, the commitment to the garden has been inspirational. 


The garden will have an Art Wall, a Wetland Walk, a raised Walkway, an Adventure Garden, a Bandstand as a performance space, a Dance Garden for physical control and dexterity, a productive garden, a place to learn about science, languages and to be immersed in nature . It is a garden for children to express themselves.


My sincere thanks to all. 



01832 720028

 07866 623639




Marcus Green Design, Garden Designer Northamptonshire,
Cambridgeshire, Leicestershire, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, Warwickshire

© 2022 by Marcus Green

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