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A garden design in Northamptonshire.


A wild garden for entertaining and for children to adventure and explore

A garden design for a large country garden in Leicestershire.


A country garden, capturing the shapes of the surrounding landscape. This garden has a long driveway with extensive parking, a woodland garden an orchard and a formal garden.

A garden design for a country garden in Northamptonshire.


A country garden with a fabulous view.


A series of reflective pools bring the sky into the garden, leading one  to the landscape beyond. 



A garden just one year old, with exciting level changes,  crisp paving and expressive planting.

Just a year old, this beautiful, extensive country garden, will develop and change over the coming months and years.


It has been a pleasure to work with my super clients and excellent contractor and nursery over several months to make this garden.


A historic house, host to Oliver Cromwell, the garden surrounds the house and has a roundhead lawn, rhododendron walk a white garden, formal sunken garden and an expressive grass and perennial garden. 


Completed just 18 months ago


It was a pleasure to work with my super clients and excellent contractor and nursery over several months to make this garden.


A historic house, in a beautiful location, this garden has an expressive wildflower meadow and a formal garden with pools of reflective water with waterfalls between them.


This garden is loved by my clients and will continue to grow and change over the years


A garden just 3 years old, built with elegant sawn paving, clipped and expressive planting, surrounding an exciting new house.

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This landscape garden, is in a beautiful location in the Monmouthshire countryside.

Working with my clients to develop the gardens and landscape strategy this is a long tern project.

A garden design for a country garden in Northamptonshire.


A family garden, for formal entertaining, working and for children to adventure.

A garden design in Cambridgeshire. 


A formal garden working within an established victorian garden

A garden design in Northamptonshire. 


A garden of British native plants, of its place and balancing clipped formal shapes and expressive multistems.

A garden design in Northamptonshire. 


A mature garden, gently developed with driveway, lawn, structural planting and expressive trees.

An effortless landscape garden, deep in the Lincolnshire countryside.

This garden, rich with genius loci, has been gardened for many, many years. With gentle development over time, this garden is expressive with luxurious natural planting casting dappled light.

This garden, is in a beautiful location in the Northamptonshire countryside.

Just 18 months old, this formal garden creates a series of elegant level changes and links with the beautiful landscape beyond.


With wonderful views and immersed in the Leicestershire countryside, this garden is almost complete. 


The structural planting is settling in comfortably.  I look forward to working with the excellent contractors finalising the garden and working with my clients over seasons and years as the garden develops.



A garden design in Northamptonshire.

Cottage garden planting within this beautiful mature garden.


Village GARDEN 

A garden design in Northamptonshire.

A crisp terrace leading through a lawned garden and to a meadow looking to a beautiful view.


Historic Village GARDEN 

A garden design in a historic Northamptonshire village.

Gardens surround a beautiful stone house. 


There is a breakfast terrace, a courtyard with outdoor kitchen, a driveway and gardens to introduce the Northamptonshire limestone house. 



Completed just a couple of months ago


It was a pleasure to work with my super clients to design this garden.


Lovingly planted and cared for by my clients this is a garden room, to compliment the contemporary elevation of a village house in the heart of the Warwickshire countryside.


The planting is a combination to attract birds and butterflies, it is in bespoke planters and is .generous and expressive. 


A garden room rich in bio diversity.


A NOrthamptonshire 
Landscape garden

Just completed, a pleasure working with my clients, their architect, main contractor and excellent landscape contractor, this garden has been four years from design to completion.​​


This garden has a woodland, generously planted expressive garden, and a glamorous terrace for living. 


The planting has a gentle touch to work with the existing wood and is a combination to attract birds and butterflies, is generous and expressive to make a garden rich in bio diversity.


I look forward to seeing how this garden grows and changes over the coming seasons and years. 


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Working with my clients' a pleasure to create this garden.


A sumptuous dining terrace, surrounded by textural planting, and a beautiful reflective copper tank. The tank pours into lower pools.


Elegant stone steps lead to a bridge across pools to comfortable seating and a fire pit. 


01832 720028

 07866 623639




Marcus Green Design, Garden Designer Northamptonshire,
Cambridgeshire, Leicestershire, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, Warwickshire

© 2022 by Marcus Green

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